Yesterday accompanied mum to Arab Street.And guess what she bought kain for raya next year.Wth.Kanchong right?I know.It was raining also and i was so scared man.The sounds of thunder and lightning really scares me off that i broke down when i hugged cikya.Cikya was shocked to see me that scared.Well there's also other reasons that i broke down.I don't wanna state it here.Let me keep it to myself.Met Idah darling to pass her leggings and ya chilled for a while at Mcdonalds.And home sweet home after that.And today i went for madrasah and sadly my darling fizah isn't here.But it's okay.Miss you babe.Anyway goodluck for your papers tomorrow!Baby Ayden is reaching soon so yah i gotta go now.Bye.Hopefully baby ayden can cheer kak fina up today okay?
*I just wanna have the last outing with you.As promised.
A song that captured my heart and made me cry even when listening to it. And i hope you know well how much heartbroken i felt.Terribly heartbroken. Everything in this song says it all.And i miss the sweet moments i had with you and letting it go is not easy at all.Seriously it's not.Just so as you know you are very special and important in my heart and everything was gone just like that.Everything was taken away from me.The one that i cherished the most and loved the most in my life.....
Dingin malam yang menyelubungi Hening sayu dalam hati Berbicara bersendirian
Ku rasa resah Selama dibuai rindu Pada cinta yang terlalu Terpendam di dalam hayalan
Kan ku leraikan impian indah Kepadanya ku berserah Mungkin tak daya Ku tawan cinta yang sama
Dinginnya getaran asmara Sentuhan mula bermadah Ku tak bisa juarai Jiwa yang ku tak punya
Dinginnya bila kau berkata Ruang buatku tiada Memoriku gengamilah Biarkan aku beralah
Dalam hatiku tiada dendam Walau impian semalam Masih mekar dalam ingatan
Kan ku leraikan impian indah Kepadanya ku berserah Mungkin tak daya Tawan cinta yang sama
Memoriku genggamilah Biarkan aku beralah...
Even if you are a million miles away I can still feel you in my bed near me, touch me, feel me
Farhain.Kamu suka ya sama ini lagu?Sedih banget ya?Aku tahu.Aku sampai nangis sia. Emosi banget deh gue ni.Ok nothing to blog about today.Bored,hurt and tired.So bye people!
Telah jauh terpisah, diriku dan dirimu, Dalam ruang dan waktu, Sendiriku jalani sepiku, tanpa dirimu, Resahku tanpa hadirmu, Sungguh berat hatiku untuk merasakannya
Salahku mencintai dirinya saat jauhku terpisah Darimu,Dan hadirnya menyentuh hatiku, Untuk cintainya, Hatiku pun inginkannya, Hingga runtuh setiaku kepada dirimu
Kusakiti hatimu yang tulus mencintaiku….
Maaf ku tak bisa memilih dirimu Karena kuterhanyut mencintai dia Inilah salahku yang memberi ruang Didalam hatiku tuk mencintainya…
Sometimes i wonder why people won't cherish their love ones.Well there's a reason behind it i guess.But hmph i dunno.If it happens to me i'll cherish my beloved one.I swear i will.Cause i know how it feels like when somebody is being treasured,cared and loved.Too bad i don't have all that.Maybe one day.One fine day yeah.So please people!Cherish your love ones okay!Hopefully.Alright.Back to business!I had a super long day today!Woke up early in the morining eventhough i was super sleepy due to late night calls from baby.Started off by doing household chores.Do what i'm suppose to do.And at that moment i just felt so lethargic that i could just pass out anytime.Met dear at platform.I thought i was gonna be late but it turns out that he is late by a few mins which is alright.Passed him whatever that i should and we went seperate ways.Waited for Ain.Bumped into indra and we chatted while waiting for my dear princess to reach.Went to gym.Mum let me go.Gym was okay today.Had dinner after that.Bused back home.I was so tired and i slept in the bus.Tomorrow will be a new day for me.And dear.I miss you alot okay.I just find you cute just now.Hahaha.Fina RANDOM YAW!Hahaha.Love you dear.Nites!
Aku terluka sendiri mengenang nasib nasib ditimpa cinta
Engkau tiada menduga aku merana kerna mencintaimu
Kau mencintainya aku kecewa dia yang kau puja tentu bahagia
Tapi aku sendiri memendam rasa apa yang kurang pada diriku
Kehampaan ini biarkan kutanggung sendiri asal kau bahagia hidup dengannya
Aku engkau dan dirinya telah terjerat dalam gelombang cinta
Sungguh aku terlalu rindukan masa lampau Masa dimana banyak kenangan indah aku bersamamu. Walaupun hanya 5 bulan masa itu berlalu. Maafkan aku jika dirimu terluka. Sedikit pun aku tidak ingin lihat dirimu terluka dan berairmata. Dan ianya sudah terjadi dan aku rasa terlalu berdosa. Berdosa kerana dirimu sudahpun terluka dan berairmata. Maafkan aku sayang. Diri ini tidak dapat lagi menahan rasa rindu terhadapmu. Setiap malam tidurku hanya bertemankan airmata. Seandainya masih ada lagi cinta dihati ini akan ku benamkan serpihannya untuk selamanya.
Basically today i had a long day.Woke up early at 9am today.Seriously i am very very tired okay.And ya i dunno why but i am a little emotional today.Simply i hold back my tears all the way.Only god knows how i felt just now.Plus i heard some sources that told me a fucking bitch is not happy with me.Fuck off you bitch!I had never disturb your life so you better mind your own business and shut the fuck up okay.I hate you!You fucker!Just what is wrong and what is your problem jyeah?Why?!Argh i feel like killing you okay.I just don't like it ok.I mean i never interfere with your life so don't be such a busybody and kaypoh about me okay.Fucker!
Hey i'm back here.I'm tired man.Man oh man.Lazy to elaborate here.Geez.Well today i had my fringe rebond.At last.Hehe.It took 2 hours man.And i fell asleep.Bla bla bla.Chatted with Toms.I want his nephew ok.So cute lah.The name also very long.Muhd Syafiq Haikal.Wth.And toms you uh also same.Nama anak sendiri in future glamour nak mampos.Seri Marcella Adyana.Glamour or what sia.Laughed like hell thinking about this thing when we still have a long way ahead.LOLS.Berangan sia.Ok whatever.Hahaha.
Today was like a SUEY day for me.Why?Firstly i missed a bus.Then the train.And i was LATE for school.Fucker!Very suey sia!Sheyra didn't turn up for school.You bubble me uh you.I was so called alone in school okay today.Members all go home.And left me and indra.Lucky there's him.If not i dunno what i'm gonna do in school.I am like stalking him sia.While waiting for art lesson the both of us took some pictures.Then ya Miss Mona was shocked to see me in school.But whatever.I used her comp and surf the net.Bla bla bla.At 2.30pm sharp i went for detention.Loner sia.I slept all the way!Baik pe!Hahahaha.Ok gtg.Mum needs me!Bye!
I'm feeling so demoralise and things weren't the same like what it used to be.Like what i want it to be.You left me just like that and it saddens me that you really test my patience yesterday.And why is that so?Do you know i was so hurt.I still remember on the night of 11 september.The moment when we hugged and the moment that i almost broke down you did promise and assured me that this won't be last time.And now what?It all ended just like that.Come on.What's happening man!And this silly me here just can't stop crying!WTF lah!Just why i have to go through this bloody phase again?
Perjumpaan hari raya with madrasah friends was awesome and sorry to post about it 3 days after the event.Busy lah okay.N levels.So yah.Let the pictures tells the story.
Walaupun mulutku pernah bersumpah Tak sudi lagi jatuh cinta Wanita seperti diriku pun ternyata Mudah menyerah
Walaupun kau bukan titisan dewa Ku takkan kecewa Karna kau jadikan ku sang dewi Dalam taman surgawi
If you are reading this i think you should know who you are.It's been almost 4 months we knew each other and you are the best thing that had ever happen to me.I still remember the first time that we talked on the phone.We shared so many things.And i still remember we talked on the phone till 5am.And the next day 7am.It's like never ending talking to you.You were just amazing.I missed that so much but there's nothing i could do now.I've lost you.I've lost everything from you.On 11th september was the best day ever.We met up and on that day i just felt that i really belong to you and the world is just like spinning around me.And every touch from you was just like magic to me.And i lost all that now.There is just so much memories i had with you eventhough it happened for a short time.Frankly speaking you are a great guy.It's hard for me to find a replacement.A person like you is just so great.With the personality that makes me fall for you.The love we shared all these while.It's just like a dream come true.There's just too much to list about you here.I kept reaping and my heart is just tearing apart.You gave me so much confidence and guide me through all along without fail.You sacrificed and make time for me.You take the risk and i know it wasn't easy on your part.I fall in love with you not because of any motive but i'm really pleased with the way you are.I felt that my happiness is with you.But now everything is broken.I can't help it but i just couldn't stop crying whenever i sit alone reminiscing about the best time we had.Looking at our photos that we took really breaks my heart.I just miss you so much.If you could still remember the phonecall.That phonecall.We sang on the phone.We listened to songs.It was our favourite.Our mum love the same songs.It was a coincidence.We sang along till 4am in the morning.I still remember how you bring up and build up confidence in me.Now there's no more sayang.No more baby.No more darling.No more hugs and kisses.No more love between you and me.And i love you.I do.So much.I just want you back.I JUST WANT YOU BACK.I just hope you don't forget about us.The memories.
I just hope you still remember these lines that you used to say to me...
*** sayang fina sebanyak buih dilautan dan sebanyak bintang yang berkerdipan di dada langit...
Today was so called the last day of school.Yessa!At last i'm free from school.Tired man!Art and N levels are back.Argh!Mug Mug Mug!Well,its okay.Suffer now.Enjoy later!And i can't wait for that man!By then i will be havoc-ing my life man!To the fullest!I'm tired and i wanna sleep okay.Goodbye dunia!
No matter what I do All I think about is you Even when I'm with my Boo Boy, you know I'm crazy over you