I'm back blogging.Had been very busy with life lately.School and everything.Sometimes i wish i could turn back the time.The best moments i had with my best people.In other words,HOLIDAYS!I wanna take a break man.Was at idah's crib yesterday.Took some pics.
To you baby.
Baby,i'm so sorry.
I never meant to hurt you.
I really appriciate your kindness.
And i couldn't get to repay all your kindness.
You know you meant the world to me.
It's my mistake i know.
I love you.I really do.
Please baby,I love you.
I need you in my life.
A silent ebony night
still no fear, no fright
coase I am not alone
There is someone who is known.
They are the tiny drops from the sky.
who are so pure that they connot deny
They quitely listen to all that we say then,
touch the earth or vanish in a bay.
I love to walk in the rain
cause no one can feel my pain.
No one can see me cry
cause tears mix with them and finally die.
I have zillions of such companions,
but still alone in the battalion.
Fighting against fear and lonliness,
And fatigue of the ruthless passiveness.
Will any one even come to ask?
To remove this fake cheerful mask.
Or these descended fays are the only one,
to support me in this lonely run.
Still my life leaves a question,
will anyone come to heal this repurcussion?
or i will also become like the drops from the sky,
and will mix with the earth and finally die.
Lonely, Lonely, Lonely forever...
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