Had school today and yes ITE starts today.So yah.Had a very long day in school.Had focus till like 5pm.Very very tiring but nah its ok to suffer now than suffer later.hehehe.Chey like real.Head home with Huda since Hazwan is not sending her home.Reached around 6.30.And OMG!I was really suprised when i saw a "THING" in my drawer.Thanks Cik Yah!Thanks for the Victoria Secret Perfume.Appriciate it alot.Thanks once again.I seriously wanna sleep now.So sleepy man!Oh gosh still have to finish off my Mother Tongue homework.It's like piling up.Well gotta start DOING it by now.I'm so in love with Mariah Carey songs now...

And To Aiman,if you're reading my blog i just wanna say that i'm not angry at you okay.Seriously i'm not.I know you're busy so yah you tend to forget.And thanks for the belated birthday wish.Silly you.Make me laugh when i read it.Hahahha...Yelah takde gigi eh.Make sure sia i look cute even without gigi.lol.
Okay this is the wish:
May you blessed with longevity,
good health,good fortune
and stay cute always.
Even when you're older takde gigi lagi cute.
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