I'm currently pissed off with mum right now.Just why she can't understand my situation here.I know there's exam tomorrow but please understand that i also have this damn bloody art to do.I'm so stressed right now with the changing of themes and stuffs!FUCK!I'm just so stress!
*I seriously dunnno why the hell you gave me that kind of attitude!i'm so so pissed off with you!Assignments?Ok fine but please don't give me that kind of tone.
Aku tahu kau seorang yang panas baran tapi tolong jangan pernah kau sakiti hati aku dengan kemarahan kau.Aku hanya seorang gadis yang ingin disayangi dan bukan untuk dipergunakan.
Hey baby.I know you weren't in a good mood today.I'm sorry.But you really have to move on and cheer up.I know you still can't get over her but no matter what you have to accept the reality that she's gone.I went through the same phase as you and i suffered alot.Alot ok.But i manage and survived eventhough i know it takes time.I will always be by your side whenever you need me.No matter what happens or hard life is you still have to be strong and move on.Don't think too much of it or i'll end up being the one geting worried.So yah have a nice rest tonight and trust me tomorrow will be a better day for you.Cheer up!I love you too ok.
******, Don't make me close one more door cos i don't wanna hurt anymore i want you stay in my arms if you dare or must i imagine you there?
Had lots of fun with my babes at town!Woohhooo.Was suppose to be my day that day which is my "date" but yah it was being cancelled for the very last minute.Was kinda pissed off at that moment.But looking at him make me melts.Melts man melts!Okay stop it fina!Well eventhough it happened for a while but....it is still Fresh in my mind!
Well babes you know what i mean by that right?hehheehhheheheh...
Had an OK day in school today although i was feeling quite lethargic.But nah its ok.I can't bear with it.Went to the library with my girlfriends and blablablablablablabala...i couldn't stop laguhing thiking of it.Well whatever.I had fun but very embarassing lah.wtf!hahaha.School tomorrow and as usual the freaking hell art room is waiting for me.Damn ass i forgot to buy the bandage thingy!Aiyo!Still have sketches to do but i'm kinda lazy.Ok just do a little will do Fina!A tiny bit is ok i guess.Just hope evrything turns out well tomorrow!Thanks Fizah for the info.Too bad i missed it..Ergh.
Do you know how much faith and love i have given it all to you? You promised me and i'll wait for you. You're leaving and here i am tearing. No matter how long it's gonna be i'll wait for your return. You're the simplest evolution that had occured in my life. You conquered my heart with your simplest smile. You gave it all to me not knowing that i had fallen for you long ago. You had been a good listening partner when i'm down. You're just something that i've been finding. Your love and sincererity had brought me back alive to who i am before. Just one thing...Promise me and keep those sweet memories with you. I'll wait for you no matter what it takes. Even if i have to surrender my heart and my life. And here i am standing before you just wanna say that I LOVE YOU Miss Nur Syarafina here loves you...[1:02am]
Well Carnival just ended yesterday!At last!And exams is just around the corner.Shit!Damn it!Carnival was ok.Nothing special.I prefered the last two years carnival.It's better compared to last 2 years!It was freaky hot that day and i was perspiring like you know.Will upload those photos but yah need to get it from ain.So happy waiting. [MORE TO COME...]
Had school today and yes ITE starts today.So yah.Had a very long day in school.Had focus till like 5pm.Very very tiring but nah its ok to suffer now than suffer later.hehehe.Chey like real.Head home with Huda since Hazwan is not sending her home.Reached around 6.30.And OMG!I was really suprised when i saw a "THING" in my drawer.Thanks Cik Yah!Thanks for the Victoria Secret Perfume.Appriciate it alot.Thanks once again.I seriously wanna sleep now.So sleepy man!Oh gosh still have to finish off my Mother Tongue homework.It's like piling up.Well gotta start DOING it by now.I'm so in love with Mariah Carey songs now...
And To Aiman,if you're reading my blog i just wanna say that i'm not angry at you okay.Seriously i'm not.I know you're busy so yah you tend to forget.And thanks for the belated birthday wish.Silly you.Make me laugh when i read it.Hahahha...Yelah takde gigi eh.Make sure sia i look cute even without gigi.lol.
Okay this is the wish:
May you blessed with longevity, good health,good fortune and stay cute always. Even when you're older takde gigi lagi cute.
I'm in a state whereby i dunno if i should surrender my heart to you. We've been friends for like almost 2 years.And i cherish it alot.You've been a great listening partner.I dunno.I'm so so in a confused state.
SOS!PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!Omg i'm like a childcare worker cum daughter cum student cum whateverlah.Fuck off lah!STRESS!I hate kids seriously!I do!Especially this particular bloody ass kid that is staying in my house now.So cerewet nak mampos!Complain to your mom uh.Fikir aku takot pe.Whatever!Don't ever make me do something harsh to you.Rude to me again and shout to my face again you watch out!I tell you better watch out!Because of you also my mum decided to cancel my birthday celebration!This isn't the one that i want!It' the worst birthday ever!It was suppose to be a sweet 16 birthday but it turn out a Fugly 16!No celebration at all!My mum was so busy with you that she even forgot to wish me!DAMN YOU ASS KID!YOU WATCH OUT UH YOU!I HATE YOU!I hate you to the CORE!
It's Sunday today.And yes it's an ok day for me.Well i guess so.Err.i dunno.Ok had madrasah today.Was ok for me today.Nothing special at all.Seriously speaking its boringg!ergh!School tomorrow and wtf i haven't done any homework.Shit uh.Will be doing it later i guess...A short post today and i love this song.
hati membeku mengingatkan kata janji manismu ku dilambung angan-angan belaian kasih sayang suci darimu oh kejamnya lidah tidak berulang ucapan cinta mengiris kalbu ku kan pergi membawa diri cinta di hati terkubur lagi.....
Aku berada dalam keadaan dilema. Aku mencintai kamu namun aku masih menyimpan perasaan cinta pada si dia. Si dia masih lagi ada dihatiku. Cintaku padanya begitu kuat walaupun aku tahu si dia tidak menyedarinya. Kasihku padanya amat mendalam sehinggakan membiarkan aku menitiskan airmata setiap tidur malamku. Aku akan pergi membawa diri dan akan cuba melupakanmu. Aku sedar akan kebesaran tuhan.Tiada yang mustahil namun aku tidak mahu mengharapkan cinta daripada si dia. Aku mungkin mencintaimu namun aku sendiri tidak pasti kerana hatiku membeku mengingatkan janji manismu dulu..
I had a nice rest today since i didn't turn up for school just now.Time really flies i should say.Did some of my homework well accept for art.I might probably do it tpmorrow.I'm now watching Mean Girls.Well the guy is really charming.Very i should say.Tomorrow will be a new day and a weekend!Can't wait to see my baby cousin again...hahhaha.missed ayden so much!
Was shocked upon receiving your call just now. Suprise suprise huh? Missed you too...a lot.