School was okay today.Had no problems with it.Was so tired after a long day of lessons and yeah there's EP just now.Wth!The talk is so damn merepek and yeah tak perlu also.The talk is about Aids,HIV and whatever shit.I wasn't really paying attention cause i was sleepy at that time.Hah tomorrow got Poa.Then after school need to see miss mona!Aiyoh!So troublesome....Urgh!Just can't stand my parents.It's so irritating ok.Whateverlah.I think i shouldn't elaborate then.Whateverlah.I don't give a damn shit about it.Sometimes i felt so useless.It's so useless being their child.I think i'm just a problem to them.Well i'm feling so devastated and upset.Why must my life turnout this way.I don't like it this way.And everyday life is just so Sucky for me.Urgh.I'm just so Fed-up!Trust me.If life goes on like this everyday,I could GO CRAZY!
I just things to go back as per normal and like what i've wished for.
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