Monday, May 31, 2010
Why is ur fashion trend always the opposite?
opposite?sorry but i think u r talking to the wrong person.thank you.
Between idah, shahira or ain which want will u save from danger? Bear in mind that you can only save 1 of them...
the 3 of them are precious to i dun mind risking my life for the 3 of them.
Whats the thing in the middle of your chest? Is it the third nipple?
nope.cmon.dun be stupid cn?how cn it be a third nipple?its the only chicken pox that can only be remove if i see a doctor.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Would you dress the way you dress in front of your family?
depends on the situation.they are ok with ya
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Gleeful Sunday
A great sunday today.Spending time with my family.I felt so blessed to have this kind of family.Especially my grandparents.They are just like parents to me.I love them the most.Ayden came.Aww so sweet lah that kid.Sayang kau sampai mati kay.Such an adorable kid.He is so damn freaking cute.And the best thing he loves my cheek.Damn naughty kid because just now he grabbed my cheek and bite it.My goodness.Naughty little kid.But no matter what i still love that kid.Had nice quality time with cikya talking to her about life and stuffs.Simply love her cause we had same things in common.The only one that is not the same about us is that she is not the forgiving type and she is hardheaded.Whereas me,i'm the opposite.Too forgiving and too soft hearted.That's all for today.<3
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
So what's the point of having a formspring if you don't want to answer questions? cause it defeats the purpose of the phrase 'ask me anything'.
I have the right to answer or not to answer the question.If the question is irrelevant and it is not important,i don't wanna waste time anwering that kind of question.So i hope you get what i mean.In life,we do have a choice.I do have a choice.So it's up to my decision to answer that particular question or not.And you have no rights to make any decision for me.Get that.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Susuki doraemon! HAHAHA! Hi fina minah rina!
Hehehhe.Doraemon sia!All time favourite tu..hehehe.Hi shaff puff puff!lol
your latest photo on your blog is pretty. who took the picture for you?
Ouh it's taken by one of my girlfriend Sheyra.Thanks anyway.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Monday Bluesss...

Monday was so-so.BLUESS as usual.Had a long day i should say.Had art lessons.Silly us.The whole art students cabot but then in the end Mr Tan found us at Study area and ya we went back to the art room.Serious belo!Hahahaha.Went KFC for lunch.I had a great time with indra and ain.Funny bunch of people!haha.Had art focus after that.Did my drawings.I'm freaking slow when comes to buildings.Sumpah sia.And tomorrow there will be art focus again.Tskd.Home with ain and indra.Otw home me and indra tak habis habis nyanyi like nobody business.Ni lah kes stress kan.Lol.Ok thats all for today!Love you people!

Omg i've been waching erra&yusry's videoclips.Memories sia.I used to get crazy over them.And i still keep a collection of magazines cut-outs of their pictures.Omg.Fanatik gila!hahahaha.Yusry hot gila lah.It's very random of me!LOL
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
Salam buat ibuku yang aku cintai.
Semoga cerdikmu secerdik Saidatina Aishah.
Cantikmu secantik Ainul Mardiyah.
Pengorbananmu setinggi Sumayyah.
Ikhlasmu seikhlas Rabiaatul Adawiyah.
Perjuangan dan kesetiannmu seteguh Siti Khadijah.
Kasih Sayang yang tiada bandingan umpama Fatimah.
Dan semoga tempatmu disyurga Al-Jannah.
Selamat hari ibu untuk ibuku tersayang,Fauziah Abdul Ghafar.
Friday, May 7, 2010

School was okay today.Actually Nope.Hate to elaborate here.School's getting more and more tiring.I have to keep reminding myself that i have to endure and persevere till the end of my O's and then i can have a long break and enjoy myself.It's ok.There's a quote saying 'Suffer Now Enjoy Later'.So yeah.And oh yes,I wanna watch The back up plan please please please!J.Lo is such a HOT MUM man.Yay tomorrow is the grand opening for CAKELOVECOUTURE's.Hopefully i get to reach there on time cause i've got tuition tomorrow.Ok thats all for today i guess.I'm gonna sleep later.Tired
Enjoy the video here.This guy has a very nice voice!I like it!
I found this friendship quote and i find it nice.
How i think how i react,
Everything has changed,
Harder for me to stay in control,
Voices take over me leading me into dark troubles,
There he stands tall and bald my savior,
Gets me out of trouble again,
Saving me from the demon,
Making sure all thoughts are wrongs are proved rights,
Arm around me not like we are lovers,
But like i am a child,a friend
For all i know he is right,
All i know for certain is I'm all over the place,
Most of the time feel down right crazy,
Demons trying to beat me,
He swears they will not defeat me,
For tonight he shall be my savior.
Thanks buddy.